16th Century Icons: Russian Icons of the 16th century and earlier are getting harder to find with prices in the auctions rising at every sale.

17th and 18th Centuries Icons: Russian Icons from the 17th and 18th Centuries are still enormously undervalued and because of this, they make a worthwhile investment. Having said that, we always suggest that you only buy Icons that resonate with you and that you know you will be able to live with.

19th Century Icons: There was enormous interest from Russia for the 1900's Palekh, Mstera and Monastic School Icons as well as any with highly decorative silver and enamel rizas especially those with an Imperial provenance. The price for the miniature Icons with decorative rizas seems to rise every few months. The market for large Russian Icons from the early 1900's is particularly strong, as they are now impossible to bring in from Russia.

 “The Virgin of Smolensk icon was very well received as a wedding present - appropriately her feast day is 8th August which was also the wedding date!”

— Ari